—an interactive day of information and ideas to provide help and hope in your job transition—
Boost Your Job Search with Personal Branding – Charlene Holsendorff – Charlene will discuss what personal branding is and why it is important for your job search. You will have the opportunity to think about what your personal brand is and how to incorporate it into your job search strategy especially with your elevator speech.
Salesperson’s Approach to Job Hunting – Casey Fehl – You will learn: a proven system to track your progress and keep yourself accountable; the most successful job hunting strategies, based on statistical evidence; and how to be able to handle the inevitable rejection that comes with job hunting.
Networking over lunch with fellow participants and speakers
Questions & Answers with a Panel of Experts – Charlene, Alex, Casey and Amy
Network Your Way to Success – Amy Dinning – Networking is one of the key skills for your job search. Learn how to network effectively whether one on one or in a group. Let’s work on our networking skills together so you can find your next opportunity more quickly.
Real Interview Questions Answered – Alex Freund – This highly interactive and engaging session is designed to help you understand the dynamics of the interview process and how to position yourself for success. Alex will engage the audience in mock interviewing so you can be better prepared for your next interview.
Registration starts at 8:30 a.m. and the workshop begins at 9 a.m. The formal part of the workshop will end at 4:00 p.m. Please bring your business (networking) cards. Snacks and sandwiches will be provided; if you have special food needs, please bring your lunch.
Please register online at www.cosnet.org/care/jobtransition and pay with a credit card. We are unable to take walk-ins. Please note that online registration will close on Wednesday, April 25 at the end of the day.
For more information or questions, contact Amy Dinning at amydinning@juno.com.