• Powering the Chester County Job Market
    Powering the Chester County Job Market
    Hire One links job seekers to hiring companies (Champions) in Chester County
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  • What people are saying about Hire One:
    What people are saying about Hire One:
    I have seen first hand what benefits come from this partnership. Hire One offer employers the opportunity to connect with a larger group of job seekers, as well as the ability to partner with other employers on ways we can help improve the workforce in our local communities. Sherwin Williams
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- ABOUT Hire One -

The Chester County Economic Development Council, the Chester County Workforce Development Board, PA CareerLink®, and numerous other Chester County committed organizations have established a task force to develop key strategies for successfully connecting job seekers to hiring employers.

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“The job seeker coaching provided by the Hire One team was a turning point in my career change path in terms of great suggestions and tasks.”

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