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Jump Start Your Job Search Workshop October 6, 2018

October 6, 2018 | 9:00 am - 4:30 pm

| $15.00

Jump Start Your Job Search Workshop
9 a.m. – 4:15 p.m., Saturday, October 6
Church of the Saviour • 651 North Wayne Avenue • Wayne, PA
Cost $15
—an interactive day of information and ideas to provide help and hope in your job transition—

You will have the opportunity to attend each of the following 3 working workshops and work on your job search tools and your LinkedIn profile. If you have accomplishment stories, a networking profile, a target company list; please bring them with you as well as a paper copy of your LinkedIn profile.

Designing or Refining Your Accomplishment Stories – Ford Myers and Susan Fletcher – Ford and Susan will share tips for designing or refining your accomplishment stories and you will have time to work on your stories so that you can add them to your toolkit.

Building or Fine Tuning Your Networking Profile and Target Company List – Amy Dinning and Michael Goldberg – Amy and Michael will share tips for building or fine tuning your networking profile (1 pager) and target company list so you are ready to network for your next position.

Creating or Perfecting Your LinkedIn Profile – Lynne Williams and Matt Levy – Lynne and Matt will share tips for creating or perfecting your LinkedIn profile and you will have time to work on your profile to showcase your skills and experience.

Networking over lunch with fellow participants and speakers

Questions & Answers with a Panel of Experts – Ford, Lynne, Matt, Michael, Susan and Amy

Is Your Networking Working – Michael Goldberg – If your networking IS working, you should be generating more connections and more interviews. If not, you’ll want to play an active role in this session! Learn (and practice!) great tips about introducing yourself, starting conversations, asking questions, delivering elevator speeches, following up, and staying in touch. Let your networking get you working in no time!

Registration starts at 8:30 a.m. and the workshop begins at 9 a.m. The formal part of the workshop will end at 4:00 p.m. Please bring your business (networking) cards. Snacks and sandwiches will be provided; if you have special food needs, please bring your lunch.

Please register online at https://coswayne.org/events/2018/10/6/jump-start-your-job-search and pay with a credit card. We are unable to take walk-ins. Please note that online registration will close on Wednesday, October 3 at the end of the day.

For more information or questions, contact Amy Dinning at amydinning@juno.com. The event is sponsored by Church of the Saviour, Acme, American Society for Talent Development Philly chapter, BENG, CPENG, Harvest Marketplace Ministry, Hire One (a Chester County Economic Development Council initiative), L&D Philly, My Career Transitions, Penn State Great Valley Career Services, Philadelphia Area Great Careers Groups, Philadelphia Society of People & Strategy and Wegmans.


October 6, 2018
9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Event Category:


Church of the Saviour
651 N. Wayne Ave
Wayne, PA 19087 United States
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