Jump Start Your Job Search Workshop will be held at Christ Church, 501 Swedesford Road, Wayne, PA 19087 and will be an interactive day of information, ideas and networking to provide help and hope in your job transition and for your career management. Hire One is a sponsor.
Resume Best Practices – Ed Samuel, Executive Career Coach with SamNova Inc, will focus on key areas that will make your resume stand out including how to quantify your accomplishments. He will share what to include and exclude on your resume and why.
How to Ace the Interview and Get the Job – Michael Brenner, Founder & CEO of Right Chord Leadership, will share how to interview well including preparation, execution and follow-up. He will provide practical advice you can use immediately.
Building Relationships to Land Your Next Opportunity – Amy Dinning, Talent Development Leader, will help you develop your relationship building skills to network your way to your next role. This interactive session will allow you to apply what you have learned on the spot.
Getting Culturally Fit – Steve Van Valin, Founder & CEO of Culturology, will help you to demonstrate how your values align to an organization’s values. Making it through the culture fit gauntlet is essential to landing your next job.
Networking over lunch with fellow participants and speakers