
October 19, 2024, 9am-4pm. Jump Start Your Job Search Workshop

Job Seakers   /  

Hire One is a sponsor for this event for Job Seekers. REGISTER

Join us from 9 am – 4 pm on October 19 for a full day interactive workshop to provide help and hope in your job search.

A Key to Your Job Search – Tools & Organization – Amy Dinning, Talent Development Leader, will share important tools, tips and organization that is critical for you in your job search. You need more than a resume and cover letter to be successful and if you aren’t organized it makes it impossible to follow up.

Knock Out Networking – Michael Goldberg, founder of Knock Out Networking will share how job seekers MUST have a “knock-out” approach to making great connections otherwise they will fail. Simple as that! It’s important to have a strategy for networking events, business meetings, holiday parties, LinkedIn, and even time spent with friends and family. You will learn to confidently meet and greet new people in professional settings and how to deliver a knockout elevator speech.

Networking Time to meet new connections

Networking over lunch with fellow participants and speakers

How to Nail Your Next Interview – Ken Sher, owner of Sher Coaching, will help you prepare for a variety of interviewing situations. You’ll learn: effective ways to handle phone interviews, tips for virtual interviews, how to handle the most difficult interview questions or challenges, and what not to say in an interview. To be successful with your interviews, you need to prepare, practice, and have a process to answer questions.

Unlock Your Earning Potential: Mastering Salary Negotiations – Corey Crapella will lead us in an empowering session on mastering the art of salary negotiations. You will learn how to shift your perspective on salary negotiations to reduce stress and increase confidence; tactical approaches to ensure you’re prepared and comfortable discussing your worth; and the key elements of effective salary negotiation, including when and how to negotiate, what to say (and not say), and how to handle tough questions.

Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. and the workshop begins at 9 a.m. The formal part of the workshop will end at 4:00 p.m. Snacks and sandwiches will be provided; if you have special food needs, please bring your lunch.

Please register online and pay with a credit card. We are unable to take walk-ins. Please note that online registration will close on Thursday, October 17 at 12 pm.

For more information or questions, contact Amy Dinning at

The event is sponsored by

Christ Church

Acme Markets

Association for Talent Development Philadelphia chapter

Career Networking Group of Montgomery County


Great Careers Group & BENG

Greater Philadelphia Veterans Network

Hire One (a Chester County Economic Development Council initiative)

Joseph’s People

L&D Philly

My Career Transitions

PA Career Development Association

Penn State Great Valley Career Services

Philadelphia Society of People & Strategy (PSPS)



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