Coatesville OUTDOOR Job Fair (**Rain Date - Thursday, June 23rd) The Job Fair is open to the public and FREE to attend! Are you looking for work? Are you looking for a better paying job? Meet with Chester County Employers who are Actively Hiring! Come prepared with resumes and dress professionally! Location: CCIU Head Start […]
Perhaps you are or will be looking for a job or an internship? If so you are invited to join us for an hour-long session with information to aid in your search. Please join us for How to Find a Job Without Relying on a Resume on Friday, June 24. There will be coffee and […]
Are you hiring, or looking for a job? The next Business Networking Meeting is scheduled for June 28, 4:30-7:00 p.m. It will be held at a restaurant in Wellington Square! Learn more and register: Join Hire One for a new and innovative way to connect employers and job seekers. Come to the Hire One […]