HireOne/ReferOne Summer Business Networking Event – For Employers
AVE Malvern Clubhouse Woodview Way, Malvern, PA, United StatesHireOne/Refer One...Making connections to find your next employee Hire One/Refer One is a highly successful business networking event where employers network with professionals looking for jobs from a variety of industries, to provide referrals that lead to interviews and hiring opportunities. Anyone who manages and/or hires people should carve out time for networking since 80% of […]
HireOne/ReferOne Summer Business Networking Event – For Job Seekers
AVE Malvern Clubhouse Woodview Way, Malvern, PA, United StatesHireOne/Refer One...Making connections to find your next employer Are you searching for your next great job opportunity or are you willing to refer someone else to a position that is not the right fit for you? Join us to network with hiring managers who have opportunities or who could refer you Hire One/Refer One is […]
HireOne/ReferOne Business Networking Event (For Job Seekers)
Chester County Economic Development Council 737 Constitution Drive, Exton, PA, United StatesHireOne/Refer One...Making connections to find your next employer Are you searching for your next great job opportunity or are you willing to refer someone else to a position that is not the right fit for you? Join us to network with hiring managers who have open opportunities or who could refer you. HireOne/ReferOne is […]
HireOne/ReferOne Business Networking Event (For Employers)
Chester County Economic Development Council 737 Constitution Drive, Exton, PA, United StatesHireOne/Refer One...Making connections to find your next employee Hire One/Refer One is a highly successful business networking event where employers network with professionals looking for jobs from a variety of industries, to provide referrals that lead to interviews and hiring opportunities. Anyone who manages and/or hires people should carve out time for networking since 80% of […]
Hospitality Career Night at DCCC
Are you interested in a career in hospitality or culinary arts? Then don’t miss your chance to get a flavor for both fields at Delaware County Community College’s Culinary and Hospitality Career Night on Wednesday, April 11 from 5-6:30 PM. The event is free and open to the public and will be held in the […]
CCHRA Half-Day Leadership & More Professional Summit
People's Light 39 Conestoga Road, Malvern, PaLooking for an opportunity to learn about best practices, network with area professionals and an opportunity to earn Continuing Ed credits? Attend this CCHRA Half-Day Professional Conference. Summit Training Sessions: "Cybersecurity & Employment - Protecting your business from the Inside!" - Stephanie Rawitt & Jonathan Klein “The Path to Extraordinary Talent Management” (Interactive training!) – […]
How to Stand-Out in a Very Competitive Job Market
Radnor Financial Center 150 N. Radnor-Chester Road Suite F-200, Radnor, PA, United StatesA Career Success Seminar by Ford R. Myers, Career Potential, LLC NOTE: This is a live, in-person event - not a webinar or teleseminar. The subtle differences in every step of the job search process determine who ultimately lands the job and who does not. This is especially true when the job market is as […]
Jump Start Your Job Search Workshop
Church of the Saviour 651 N. Wayne Ave, Wayne, PA, United States—an interactive day of information and ideas to provide help and hope in your job transition— Boost Your Job Search with Personal Branding – Charlene Holsendorff – Charlene will discuss what personal branding is and why it is important for your job search. You will have the opportunity to think about what your personal […]
HireOne Business Networking Event
AVE Malvern Clubhouse Woodview Way, Malvern, PA, United StatesMaking Connections to Find Your Next Employee Join us for another of our popular networking events that bring together area employers and local job seekers. This event is unique as it is not a job fair, but rather an opportunity to make connections and share referrals. In fact, 80% of the people who get hired […]
HireOne Business Networking Event – Job Seeker Tickets
AVE Malvern Clubhouse Woodview Way, Malvern, United StatesMaking Connections to Find Your Next Employer On May 8, join us for another of our popular networking events that bring together area employers and local job seekers. This event is unique as it is not a job fair, but rather an opportunity to make connections and share referrals. In fact, 80% of the people […]